Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sound and the Sea

"As simple as it may seem above the surface, sound in the ocean provides a unique system for studying the marine environment, and an invaluable resource to better understand the complexities of marine life." This article on sound in the ocean highlights some of our recent projects and was just released on National Geographic Ocean Views. Check it out!

"Sound and the Sea" by Jessica Perelman

Many natural and man-made sources contribute to ocean soundscapes. Credit: Mike Thompson, NOAA/SBNMS.
Credit: Mike Thompson, NOAA/SBNMS

Oceanus Magazine on Snapping Shrimp

What's all that noise? Snapping shrimp colonies produce a ubiquitous 'crackling' noise and are dominant sound producers in shallow tropical and temperate waters of reefs and seagrass.
This great audio story just released by Oceanus Magazine highlights the work of our current post-doc, Ashlee Lillis, on snapping shrimp behavior and ecology.

Have a listen! Eavesdropping on Shrimp's Snap Chat