Soft-bodied marine invertebrates comprise a keystone component of ocean ecosystems, however we know little of their behaviors and physiological responses within their natural habitat. Quantifying ocean conditions and measuring an organisms’ response to the physical environment is vital to understanding organismal and population responses to a changing ocean. 
Two Loligo forbesi squid, ca. 1 m total length, in a tank in the Azores. The closer animal is fixed with a new, prototype ITAG to record behavior, physiology and environmental parameters. These squid reach more than 1.5 m total length. (pic by J. Fontes)

The ITAG is a novel, soft-bodied invertebrate eco-sensor tag which has been initially designed for squid and jellyfish. Attachment to these animals has been challenging due to their innate body design and relative fragility.

Images above. (L) Sutures were used to attach ITAG to the rostrum of Loligo forbesi. (R) After attachment, the body is measured and morphometrics are captured by camera.

Raw snapshots from HD video of overhead cameras of an ITAGged (top) and untagged squid

The initial goal of the ITAG work was threefold: first, design and develop a modular relatively small tag platform applicable to a potentially diverse array of soft-bodied invertebrates. Second, use this platform to integrate high-resolution movement data with fine-scale environmental measurements. Third, test the tool on representative species of the target taxa of jellyfish and squid.  To this end, a novel soft-bodied invertebrate tag (ITAG) was developed to record fine-scale animal movement, orientation, dive profiles, and external environmental conditions (light and temperature). The attachment methods and initial data from captive deployments on both jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) and squid (Loligo forbesi) are described here. These initial measurements were paired with video recordings to characterize specific behavioral signatures recorded by the tag. The results reveal a suite of behaviors and validate the ability of this new tool to elucidate energetic trade-offs between recorded swimming behaviors.

ITAG on a Doryteuthis pealeii  in flume in Woods Hole

Thus we've tested the ITAG in the lab on large squid in the Azores (images shown above). We've also tried it on smaller Doryteuthis pealeii in Woods Hole, with animals in a flume, with excellent results. We are currently working on a new version of the tag which will incorporate more sensors and an Argos satellite link for recovery and eventually data downloads. The tag design leverages modularity to enable the ITAG to be deployed across taxa. 

Squid's eye view of the tagging process

The ITAG work has been supported and assisted by CoPIs Kakani Katija and Alex Shorter, and with additional help by Aleck Wang, David Mann, Fritz Sonnichen, P. Afonso, J. Fontes and many others. This includes in kind support from the FlyingSharks and the Faial Nature Park for the use of the Porto Pim Aquarium and their assistance and patience during the trials in Portugal. Steve Spina at New England Aquarium provided the Aurelia aurita.  Dave Remsen at Marine Biological Laboratories and J.H. Costello at Providence College assisted in the collection of Chrysaora quinquecirrha and Cyanea capillata, and R. Galat supported the WHOI facilities. This work was supported by WHOI’s Ocean Life Institute and the Innovative Technology Program, Hopkins Marine Station’s Marine Life Observatory (to KK), as well as NSF’s Ocean Acidification Program (to TAM) and NSF's Instrument Development for Biological Research Program.

Papers published: 

Mooney, TA, Katija, K, Shorter, KA, Hurst, T, Fontes, J, and Afonso, P. 2015. An eco-sensor for fine-scale behavioral measurements of soft-bodied marine invertebrates. Animal Biotelemetry. 3 (31): 1-14. doi:10.1186/s40317-015-0076-1ITAG

Long, M, Mooney, TA, and Zarkroff, CA. Extreme low oxygen and decreased pH conditions naturally occur within developing squid egg capsules. Submitted to Marine Ecology Progress Series.